The way we respond to our horse, or our results with our horse, is our responsibility, not a reactionability (a term that I coined!).
Why is it that we want to be responsible, rather than reactionable?
It's because a 96% of everything that we do is from the subconscious mind. And what we do consciously is only 4% of our actions.
So think about that for a minute. What does that mean?
It means that 96% of the time that we are acting with our horses, it comes from our subconscious mind. In other words, we don't know exactly why we do some of the things we do. But then afterwards, we justify it, or we try to reason with it, we try to make sense of what we did, with our conscious mind what actually came from our subconscious mind.
But how do we change our reactions from being reactionable to responsible in the moment?
In our Harmony For the Horse Program we guide you on the path to responsibility and knowing how to be in the moment so you can have massive success with your horse.
CLICK HERE to discover more about how we can help you to reach freedom, achievement, oneness and joy that you most seek with your horse.
That's the key part, in the moment.
How do we do this in that moment?
We become responsible for addressing our subconscious mind.
Too often we're focused on the conscious mind:
And that may be true to a certain point but a lot of times we do not lack for information.
Rather, instead, we want to train our mind in the right way - training, reorganizing, and reprogramming the subconscious mind.
Success with our horses depends on a few things. One of them is our belief system.
For example...
We have a student in our program. She came to us, struggling. One of her complaints was that she was continually getting hurt.
At first it was her elbow, then her back, then her ankle. It just kept going on and on and on...
Horses are her passion and her horses are her life, and this was always holding her back because just when she thought she was going to start to make progress, she would get another injury.
And she had some pretty lofty goals!
She had a new horse that she wanted to work with, a young horse. She had high goals to reach high levels of dressage with this new horse, as well as an older horse that she'd had for a long time.
But continually was interrupted by her injuries.
So she had a lot of heaviness around this, and sadness and was kind of in this push pull syndrome, where it was like, "I really want this badly. I really want to do this! My horse needs me, I need to do it. I want to do it! But no, I'm injured again. And I can't.
So what we did is we worked with her very deeply on her mindset, which is basically on her subconscious. It turned out that she had a very competitive childhood.
It started when she was about six years old. She was involved in a very competitive sport and she was constantly comparing herself to someone else.
Basically, there was one other person that she was comparing herself to. It didn't really make sense as an adult, if we think about it.
But as a six year old child, that's all she could see.
The other person was a lot older than her. The other person was a lot more mature. The other person had a lot more capability because of those two reasons.
But, she was constantly comparing herself to this other person, so much that it totally consumed her life.
Every time she was with this other person, which was on a daily basis since she trained on a daily basis, it was eating away at her. Being a six year old girl, she didn't know how to deal with this.
So, what happened was she formed certain beliefs about herself from that experience.
That she was lesser than everyone else. And this then transferred into her riding.
Once we pinpointed this and we found out that this was the source of her belief system and this was really holding her back, she then started to see other areas in her life..
Things like she wasn't listening to herself, she was disregarding her intuition.
And she was enrolling in clinics or doing a certain system that wasn't nourishing her. Yet, she refused to see ...actually, she couldn't see what we could see.
So, she was on autopilot, trying to learn by rote. There was no curiosity, there was no fun in it, there was no excitement, there was no creativity...
No play!
And when she started to realize these things as she told us about this and this how she felt.
This was then we could start to work on the strategy and techniques that we teach. We work very deeply on the mindset and then we can start to work on how she's working with her horse, the strategy, the technique...the two processes together.
We made suggestions to her. Our suggestions were that she work on liberty with her horse. She went on to the modules in our program that involved liberty. And then we worked on how she used her body.
Once we had released the energy behind these feelings, the emotions that were trapped physically within her body; we then worked on how her body moved.
This is when she started to really get results..
Because that's when her horse started to reciprocate back to her. She had the freedom with her horse now. She had the permission that she needed from herself.
Once we got the subconscious, and the subconscious on board with each other, she could now make progress. And we changed her movement from dysfunctional movement to functional movement. The injuries stopped happening.
She then realized she was not a lesser rider than any other rider.
As she started to make progress, of course, things start coming right, other things started to surface, and this is where the mindset and the belief system are so powerfully and intrinsically linked together.
As she worked with her horse, then that strategic part of our program, linked back again to the mindset part.
So, along the way, we helped her to keep releasing the blocks that were coming out.
Most rider education does not teach this way.
It's either do 101 exercises or typical mindset work, it's always on the very surface.
There's not the connection between these modalities. We use several deep modalities in our program, developed from years of experience and years of helping hundreds of students.
What we teach you is for you and your horse, specifically. We work genuinely deeper with you.
And this becomes more powerful. This is what leads to the effortlessness of it, the ability to repeat it and the ability to have it reliable. So that you don't have to keep going back and redoing stuff with your horse over and over again.
The success of our horses depends on our ability to speak our truth with our horse which means not being jaded by feelings of rejection, that we're not good enough, or any fear that we may have that we're dealing with.
When we work deeply with you and you accept yourself in this way, you no longer feel rejection and you're not lesser than anyone else.
This is authenticity and this is where your horse can fully reciprocate with you. And that's when your results skyrocket. I've seen it time and time again with our students.
You become empowered, you move out of that stuck state of reactionability.
You move into the empowered state. And you then are able to be present. Because you are in your truth.
You are present with your horse..
You emote from your truth, and you move from your truth.
All these things are connected.
As your confidence builds, as you get more and more success with your horse. And as you are more successful your confidence builds again. Your authenticity is there and you have self acceptance.
Most of us are braced when we ride, we're worried! We're worried that we're going to get hurt. Maybe, we are worried about doing something wrong and wrecking our horse or hurting our horse. We're worried about being rejected.
This worry is what will hold us back.
That's why we don't put our deepest gifts out there. Because we feel we're too vulnerable.
When we feel too vulnerable, and we feel unsafe, then we're not our authentic, true selves. And so then we can't be as successful as we want to be with our horses.
We can't build the bond that we want. We can't get the relationship, because there's always that fogginess, or always that cloud that's hanging over top of us.
We want to help you to feel safe so that your work with your horse come out of that. Until you feel safe and in your truth, then the work with your horse cannot come out of that.
It's not giving you some kind-of worksheet or random exercise that you're doing and hope it works or acookie cutter method or a generic course ... what we do is fundamentally for you and your horse. So then you're giving your horse what he or she needs.
That results in SUCCESS.
And with certain success comes the repeatability. You find out what works with your horse. You can do it over and over and over again. It's reliable, because you've worked through these processes, and then you can repeat the success.
If you want support in this way, to find your authenticity, to find your truth and then connect with your horse and get the results that you are yearning for so you can have true success with your horse...
CLICK HERE to schedule a call with us!
[…] *Equestrian responsibility: horse rider responsibility explained […]