Horse relationship Archives - ForTheHorse

Category Archives for Horse relationship

Horse Riding Aids, For A Calm And Willing Horse

Horse riding aids are conventionally taught in a certain way, but unfortunately the application and obedience to the aids doesn’t always lead to a calm and willing horse.How do we […]

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How To Feel Your Horse

Truly discover how to feel your horse, and feel with your horse so you can be the best horse rider that you want to be… Have you ever had an instructor […]

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How to Motivate Your Horse

We get a lot of riders who wonder how to motivate their horse; they want more motivation, maybe more energy, more movement, more cooperation, more calmness, more fill in the […]

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Why should your horse want to be with you?

Why should your horse want to be with you? We can see a lot of trainers out there and they’re talking about doing ‘stuff’ with their horses. But what about giving […]

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Understanding the horse

Is it easier for our horses to learn a language like English, a human generated language, or is it easier for us to see the world through our horses senses?Here’s […]

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What emotion do we want to promote in our horses?

Horses express so many emotions as we are around them and working with them. When it comes to training horses and having the best relationship that we possibly can across the […]

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How can you tell if a horse is happy?

Our horses can read US very acutely…they are very good at it! They are very good at reading our body language, reading where we are at… and what we’re going to […]

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Why we miss our horses

What is so special about the relationship with the horse?I’ve broken it down into four components. The more we have clarity in times of uncertainty, the better it will be.It […]

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